Research Fellowships

The American Institute of Afghanistan Studies (AIAS) offers a variety of fellowship opportunities for scholars conducting work within the field of Afghanistan studies. These fellowships can be used towards short-term projects or other research programs to advance scholarship on Afghanistan. Every year, AIAS awards a series fellowships through the John F. Richards Fellowship program. The Richards Fellowship program is named in honor of belated Professor John F. Richards, one of the founding members of AIAS and a proponent of scholarship on South Asia.

The fellowships are divided into two categories: Research Travel
Fellowships and Afghanistan Research Grants.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 14, 2025

Research Fellowships are awarded to U.S. Citizens and are available to scholars of all levels to conduct Afghanistan related research outside of the United States and and outside of Afghanistan. Maximum award of $6,000.

The Afghanistan Research Grant is open to scholars of all citizenship and rank to conduct research and support writing inside the United States. Maximum award of $3,000.

Application materials are as follows:

  • Applicants must be individual members of AIAS to apply
  • Full CV
  • Statement describing the nature of the proposed research or
    project, including the contribution it will make to Afghan studies,
    double-spaced and not to exceed 1,500 words
  • Full budget narrative
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Project timetable with research locations
  • Complete the applicant Google Form

For more information, please contact

**Individuals may apply for both fellowships, provided that they meet all restrictions and can demonstrate significant distinction between projects. Individuals must be able to effectively demonstrate within their proposal that no funds will be used to travel to or in support of traveling to Afghanistan under the research fellowship. (Example: Research funds cannot be used for a flight to Europe to defer the cost of travel to Afghanistan.) For additional information, please contact the AIAS office.