AIAS provides space for members to post reports & publications or link to web sites highlighting research projects. The links are provided here.
All reports, publications and sites listed here are the opinions and work of the respective authors and do not reflect the opinions of the American Institute of Afghanistan Studies, its member institutions, or its individual members. AIAS reserves the right to post or remove any work. Reproduction or further distribution of the material without the permission of the author is prohibited.
Power and Authority in Afghanistan: Rethinking Politics, Intervention, and Rule
Edited by Anna Larson, Dipali Mukhopadhyay, and Omar Sharifi.
Tibetans in Wakhan: New Information on Inscriptions and Rock Art
Online publication, authored by John Mock (Independent Scholar), 2016.
Darkot Revisited: New Information on a Tibetan Inscription and mchod-rten
Online publication, authored by John Mock (Independent Scholar), 2013.
A Tibetan Toponym from Afghanistan
Online publication, authored by John Mock (Independent Scholar), 2013.
New Discoveries of Rock Art in Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor and Pamir: A Preliminary Study
Online publication, authored by John Mock (Independent Scholar), 2013.
Shah Shuja’s ‘Hidden History’ and its Implications for the Historiography of Afghanistan
Online publication, authored by Shah Mahmoud Hanifi (James Madison University), 2012.
Comparing camels in Afghanistan and Australia: Industry and nationalism during the Long Nineteenth Century
Online publication, authored by Shah Mahmoud Hanifi (James Madison University), 2011.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Online publication, authored by member Shah Mahmoud Hanifi (James Madison University), 2008.