Hosting government official at AUAF
AIAS hosted a number of high ranking government official at the American University of Afghanistan on 13th of February 2020. These officials included Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Deputy Director General of Administrative office of the President with some members of the administrative office of the president, deputies from ministries of public health and mines and petroleum.

During their visit, the AIAS director Dr Omar Sharifi gave a brief introduction of the AIAS and its activities followed by a tour of the AUAF campus which included a tour of the Afghan art Miniatures exhibited in the AUAF. These miniatures were described to the guests by Dr Omar Sharifi and Dr Michael Barry. The guests which were seeing the miniatures for the first time were glad to have these art works in Kabul and expressed their desire to cooperate at their level best in facilitating the exhibition of these miniatures permanently in a place that could be accessible for the public.